Milano: E-Gift Card


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Notes for Supplier

Terms and Conditions

1. Your Milano gift card can be used as payment at any Milano restaurant in Ireland. 2. Monies on a Milano gift card cannot be exchanged for cash. 3. After use, any remaining balance will be stored on the Milano gift card and may be used to pay for future purchases. 4. Please protect your Milano gift card and treat it as cash, as the balance cannot be returned if the card is lost or stolen. 5. To check the remaining balance on your Milano gift card please visit 6. The Milano gift card is not a credit, debit or cheque guarantee card. 7. Milano reserves the right to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time or withdraw the Milano gift card on reasonable notice. Your statutory rights are not affected. 8. Any value on a Milano gift card will expire 5 years after last use. Any value left on the gift card after this time will be automatically and permanently deducted. 9. Retail gift cards are sent via email once order has been placed. 10. Gift cards cannot be returned or refunded. 11. All retail gift cards are subject to a service charge of €2.49 per purchase.

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